Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hamlet Act 1 Post

It was a joyous celebration that warm summer’s night. It was not only the annual anniversary of the day King Hamlet defeated King Fortinbras and won a bundle of new land for Denmark, but also young Hamlet’s birthday. The castle was illuminated and filled with life as it became the center of a party so grand that it seemed all of Denmark was in attendance. King Hamlet told his son that there would be many pretty women there and pointed some of them out to him. However when the party began, there was only one woman who caught young Hamlet’s eyes, a girl by the name of Ophelia.
Walking confidently towards her, he began a conversation. He told her how beautiful she was and how she stood apart from all the others at the party. They continued to talk for what seemed like a decade. They decided to go for a walk around the castle. As they were leaving, young Hamlet looked back to see the party still full of life. He also noticed King Hamlet joyously dancing with his mother Gertrude, although her mind seemed in a different place.
They walked around the castle and they were beginning to feel a connection between one another. They had truly fallen in love. They walked out onto the balcony and looked out at the stars with the sounds of the party faintly in the background. They shared a kiss and gazed in awe into the night sky.


TimHegedus said...

This is a great representation of Hamlet and Ophelia before the play. I like how you ephasized Hamlet's distinction with Ophelia from many of the other pretty girls at the party. Also, adding in the subtle detail of Gertrude's mind being at a different place is a great piece to add. It foreshadows her feelingsof her husband's death near the start of the play, which after only 2 months fade away.

Misha Kustin said...

Yea that was great. That is something that actually could have happened and I could completely imagine it. Also, the add in with Gertrude gives us a heads up into other plots taking place in the play. Overall, I thought it was a good romantic interpretation of how the two would have met.

stw923 said...

Dan, this is nicely done. I think your prose writing really allows your audience a deeper glimpse into the minds of some of the characters. Hamlet is obviously the prince and it is assumed that Ophelia is beautiful, but there is hopefully more to their attraction than power and superficial beauty. I think you layered the characters nicely.

Kevin Kaderis said...

I really enjoyed reading this and I liked at the end how they gazed into the night sky together. This showed that they are really in love, and that Hamlet is not using Ophelia, like her father thinks. I also liked how you talked about how even though there were many pretty woman at the party, Hamlet only wanted to be with Ophelia.